A Few Ditties on Duality


A Few Ditties on Duality



Misconstruing the Relativity


To maintain any one path most true,

To insist on duality in any way, any shape, any form,

Is to completely misconstrue the relativity of this manifest dreamtime.


The Stillness Before Time, IV



Vanity’s Prison


Duality is the outcome of ignorance,

And ignorance of the false nature of opposites,

Is the vain prison that imagination ceaselessly fortifies.


The Stillness Before Time, IV



The End of Ideals


Serenity is the outcome of integration, not an ideal.

Ideals are merely abstractions of unresolved duality,

Ceaselessly playing hide-and-seek with themselves.


The Stillness Before Time, XVII



Neither Nor


Neither hard nor soft, sharp nor dull,

Wise nor foolish, humble nor vain,

Sweet nor bitter, long nor short,

Strong nor weak, large nor small,

Good nor bad, intelligent nor stupid,

Truth nor lie, far nor close,

Stirring nor still, love nor hate,

Light nor dark, perfect nor imperfect,

Nor duality ad infinitum,

You are.


The Stillness Before Time, XVII



The Stillborn of Duality


Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires.

Good and evil are the stillborn of duality.


The Stillness Before Time, XXIII



Nothing But Whatever


As consciousness grounds in awareness,

As you clearly perceive illusion is not reality,

As you discern duality is the source of all suffering,

As the birthright of beingness resumes its rightful function,

There is nothing left to do, but whatever needs doing.


The Stillness Before Time, XXIII



The Pretend of Duality


We are all created of the same source,

By whatever name you might wish to call it.

Our sense of individuality is merely a fleeting illusion,

Born of the attachment of consciousness to mind-body-spirit.

In reality, we are all equally the same awareness permeating all things.

All dualistic notions are vain delusion fabricated by imagination.

Yes, it all seems real and true enough at any given moment,

But if you fully contemplate the ever-present now,

You will discern that this state we call life,

Is really nothing more than a very temporary,

Touchy-feely, three-dimensional, sensory reverie.

The indivisible, absolute mystery, pretending existence.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, The First Page



The Mysterious Source


That source, that origin, that fount, that nucleus, which is called by many names,

Is prior to any sensory theater, prior to all forms small to great,

Prior to any whimsical certitudes of imagination,

Prior to any notion of this or that,

Prior to all dualities,

Prior to every definition,

Inspired by the myriad other.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 3



Naught But Dualistic Notion


There is absolutely no evidence of a distinct deity.

Hope, faith, conjecture, speculation,

Are born of fear and dread,

Of divisive, dualistic perceptions,

And only encumber the inquiry into the truth within.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 11



Quantum Illusion


The human epoch is really about pride,

About the emergence from the slimy pool,

Into an extemporaneous theater,

Forged in dualistic notion.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 17



The Journey That Calls You


Trying to meld a nondualistic view of this immeasurable mystery,

With the egocentric-ethnocentric-geocentric collusions born of time,

Requires way too many rationalizations, compromises, and contortions.

Just because some falsehood bears the authority of tradition means nothing.

Give no weight to what is unnecessary; travel the journey that calls You.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 18



The Good and Evil of Conscious Design


Nature is what works,

And what does not, evaporates into oblivion.

Good and evil are nothing more than constructs of human consciousness.

There was never any such thing in this whirling garden orb,

Prior to the emergence of dualistic notion.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 24



Your Singular Nature


What are the imaginary dualities to You,

Who is the fundamental awareness in all things.

You, who is serene witness to all creation.

Known or unknown, done or undone,

Oblivion is your singular nature.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 33



The Echoes of Imagination


Good and evil are dualistic, arbitrary notions, created by imagination.

They are nothing more than echoes across the expanses of the singularity.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 42



The Fallen Garden


Knowledge cleaves the enigmatic mystery of consciousness,

Into every sort of dualistic conception under the sun.

The forbidden was harvested, and Eden lost.

Fallen monkeys, indeed.

And this pillaged garden will hobble on,

For as long as humankind survives its memories real.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 49



No Rhyme, No Reason


The is absolutely no rhyme or reason to suspect, much less believe,

There is some sort of supreme being outside your Self,

Or at least one that does not also include You.

How could any of this be happening,

Without Your participation,

To the very core of Your beingness.

Any duality is false, from all beginnings, to all ends.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 57



The All-Is-Vanity of Imagination


Ultimately, there is no evil, there is no sin, there is no dark side.

There is only corrupted, twisted, perverted consciousness.

There is only the veiling, the muddying of awareness.

There is only ignorance and delusion and duality.

Evil does not truly exist in any way or shape or form,

But through the vanity-vanity-all-is-vanity of imagination.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 60



The One-and-Only Moment Reality


Move prior to concept, to form, to struggle.

Be simple, carefree, serene, tranquil, absolute, sovereign.

For those lacking discernment, the ceaseless inventions of dualistic notion,

Are but the quagmire of knowledge, of opinions, of beliefs,

Absorption in the voracious mind-body identity,

In the ever-beckoning sirens of desire.

All merely distractions,

From the timeless awareness,

The every-moment one-and-only reality,

Within and without all creations small to great.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 68



The Eternal Witness


Personality is reaction to the sensory play.

It is the response of the mind-body to its environment.

The disharmony of duality dissolves as concern for mortality dissolves.

Attention shifts from the travails of imagination, to the awareness prior to consciousness.

From desire, fear, anger, sorrow, separation in any of it many forms,

To the indivisible serenity of the eternal witness.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 88



The Absurdity of Dualistic Notion


The absurdity of duality is obvious to anyone paying close attention to anything.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 99



When? Where? What?


When the mind is still, where is the yearning for continuity?

Where is the notion of duality that harbors passion?

Where is the player, the actor, the identity?

Where is the witness woven of time?

What is there but the awareness of emptiness?

What is there but that birthless-deathless creation of all?

What is there but eternal life, eternal oblivion, eternal redemption?


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 99



The Ruse of Imagination


Individuality is the ruse of imagination,

Inspired by the lie of the senses.

You are the absolute total functioning,

Prior to the limited scope of time and space.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 122



A Mixed Bag of Mindful and Mindless


Other than in its human form, nature has no individuality, no character, no ego.

The human paradigm is but a happenstance-happenchance of this beyond-all-pales mystery theater,

Evolved absolutely, by the creative dynamic of quantum, witnessed by awareness.

Intentional or not, here our kind is, doing what vanity does,

In its mixed bag of mindful and mindless.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 129



The Duality of Imagination


The awareness is the ever-present witness.

The observer and the observed are indivisibly one.

It is only in imagination that dualistic notion finds lodging.

Consciousness, no matter how profound or creative,

Can never be anything more than imaginary.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 152



Changing the Perspective


And what if that which so many call God, is truly equally good and evil?

It is truly only the notion born of dualistic limitation that needs changing.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 132



Shards of the Same Mystery


Individuality is a delusion, fabricated by consciousness, locked within a sensory dream.

Across the infinity of all dimensions, all creation shares the same Soul.

All are but shards of the indivisibly unfathomable.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 133



A Rare and Alonely Calling


The burden of traditions across this magical garden,

Muddy the unfolding now with every sort of dualistic notion.

How can everyone be free to discern the greatest vision,

With so much hollow dogma weighing them down?

Only the rare have the courage to stand alone.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 144



The Hoax of Consciousness


All dualistic notions are the hoax of consciousness,

Ever enticed by the kaleidoscoping play of the senses and mind.

You are this ephemeral, eternal, nonexistent moment,

Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but,

No matter the fabrication.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 147



Defining the Line


How intelligent does one have to be, to not be stupid?

How beautiful, to not be ugly? How good, to not be bad?

How correct, to not be wrong? How wise, to not be foolish?

Where is the line between any yay, any nay, any this, any that,

But some inflated, arbitrary formulation, of the given mind.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 147



The Disharmony of Duality


It is only in human consciousness,

That the disharmony of dualistic notion takes place.

In whatever way you might observe this infinite, indivisible matrix of a dream,

Whether physics or chemistry or biology, everything is connected,

Without any separation, any otherness, whatsoever.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 155



The Ultimate Singularity


Mystery may splinter into an infinity of shards,

But in each and every one, the ultimate singularity is absolute.

Only in consciousness can duality be conceived,

And the many delusions of illusion,

Play their wayward daze.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 157



The Surreality of Duality


What is so arduous about realizing the truth,

That the awareness within all, that the witness within all,

Is completely detached, objectively indifferent, benignly disengaged,

To the countless dreamtimes of consciousness, in all its pursuits, in all its passions.

It is the ether, the mysterious spirit of totality; name it if you must.

Duality is but the splintering of imaginary perception.

You are it, it is You, there is no other.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 176



The Singularity of Duality


Bringing together heaven and earth,

Merging duality into the singularity of all origins;

Now, there is the rub, so to speak.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 179



Duality in a Nutshell


For there to be good, there must be evil,

And that, my friend, is duality in a nutshell.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 201



The Original Flaw


Perfection is your inherent nature.

Duality, the original flaw.

Your perfection was misplaced,

When the time born of consciousness,

Took root in the tabula rasa of your innocence.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 210



The Bittersweet Harvest


Hate and revenge are the most bitter harvest of dualistic notion.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 222



All Divisions Imagined


Breathe in the duality, and know all divisions are imagined.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 228



Prior to All Notions


Truth is prior to any dualistic notions of creator and creation.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 230



The Dualities of Language


All the pronouns of separative flavor, of dualistic tone,

All the I’s and you’s and he’s and she’s and they’s and we’s,

Do not in the most ultimate sense, for any particular, truly make.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 247



All Potentials


All have within them the limited and unlimited potential.

Everything narrow and broad, shallow and deep.

It is attachment to the individual dreams,

That binds all sentient beings,

To the dualities born of the senses.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 251



Imagination’s Duality


The mortal senses do not care what they see, hear, touch, taste, or feel.

It is only the mind, only imagination, that creates a universe of dualistic notion.

The body is but a vehicle, in which the singularity plays an eternal game of hide-and-seek.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 286



The Source of Beingness


You are the original source, the light that creates,

All form and shadow, all meaning and purpose,

All duality, in every imaginary way possible.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 287



Duality’s Veil


Where duality reigns, the ever-present truth is ever veiled.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 296



The Theater of Mind


From the beginning, and before, to the end, and after,

Everything is indivisibly, seamlessly, ineffably connected.

Only in the mortal theater of mind, is duality imagined.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 300



The Great Disconnect


The great disconnect between humankind, and that called god by many names,

Is entirely fashioned of consciousness and the inherent limitations,

Of all concepts lodged in the dualistic temporal vision.

Only those who transcend the false belief,

That they are the mind and body,

Realize what they truly are,

Have ever been, and will ever be.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 305



The Quantum Pretender


Quantum stardust somehow organized,

To such an implausible degree, as to pretend it is alive.

And when that was no longer entertaining, evolved into human beings,

In order to ceaselessly manufacture every sort of absurdly dualistic fiction imaginable.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 335



The Illusion of Nothing


Loneliness versus aloneness, duality versus singularity,

The sorrow of imagination versus the sovereignty of absoluteness.

There is really nothing to compare, when there is really nothing to be measured.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 344



The Indivisible Singularity


Duality is nothing more than an arbitrary, meaningless concept,

Born of the sensory illusion that you are separate.

It has no ultimate reality whatsoever.

You are the primal essence that is indivisibly singular,

Unfathomable, absolute, prior to all imaginings born of consciousness.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 346



The Concoction of Imagination


What is required to awaken,

Is to inwardly pay very close attention,

In a non-intellectual, prior-to-consciousness way,

Until you very logically, without doubt, discern for your Self,

That you, the witness, the observer, are the observed.

All duality is the concoction of imagination.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 346



Stand Tall, Stand Free


You need not submit to the dualistic notions, of this world or any other.

They are but ceaseless sensory manifestations, born of temporal limitation.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 368



The Linguistic Mirage


It is through language that all conscious distinctions are made.

Prior to the articulation of imaginary self through personal pronouns,

Prior to the fabrication of knowledge, Eden was free of any dualistic notion.

There is no god, there is no devil, there is no heaven, there is no hell,

But through the ceaselessly absurd confabulations of mind.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 386



Two Sides of the Same Coinless


Heaven, hell, 'tis ever the same.

There is no other side, no other way.

Despite all dualistic notions to the contrary,

It is all the same quantum oneness.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 394



The Source of Duality


There is no duality until consciousness diverges into the self that is not.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 457



God’s Expression


Nature is the mystery’s expression,

And humankind but one of its myriad creations.

Separate only in consciousness, dualistic only in the mind,

In no way any less indivisible than all creation can be from its creator.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 394



Forget Everything


Forget everything.

Dismantle the conditioning;

The attachment to any conceptual weavings.

Become that which has no boundaries.

That which discerns no duality.

No within, no without.

No inner, no outer.

No this, no that.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 402



Dreamtime’s Veil


What is consciousness but a dreamy cloud of imagination;

Of dualistic notions inspired by the sensory creation.

One may clearly distinguish reality though it,

But the dream in itself is not the truth.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 452



The Serenity of Detachment


Best stay detached from humanity's ceaseless inanities.

Until the splintered souls of this dualistic world wake up,

The insane absurdities of estrangement will carry on.

Some sort of realization may or may not happen,

But there is no point being daily upset about it.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 468



The Irony of Duality


What irony that in the face of an incredibly astonishing mystery,

Humankind has lost itself in an absurd collusion of every possible vanity.

An entirely imaginary invention, this myopic notion of a separate, individual persona.

A duality sparked in consciousness, when it began its evolutionary spin in the jungles of long ago.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 472



Attitude is All


Attitude is all.

With the flip-flop of a thought, sorrow becomes joy;

Bad, good; bitter, cordial; anger, calm; violent, gentle; arrogant, humble; sour, sweet; dark, light.

The remedy to a dualistic world, is the within that is within all withouts.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 497



We Are All Just Animals Here


We humans are all animals here,

Mammals with consciousness enough, with imagination enough,

To perceive the sensory play in such a way as to fabricate the notion, the absurdity, of individuality.

Animals with a beyond-the-pale aptitude for communication and tool-making.

But animals, nonetheless, animals, nonethemore.


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 498



Shades of Gray


What are the shades of gray between black and white,

Good and bad, right and wrong, right and left, bitter or sweet,

Or any other dualistic notion born of the monkey-mind’s play of time?


The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim, Page 500