Good and Evil


Good and Evil



The Stillness Before Time




Before light and dark,

Right and wrong,

Birth and death,

Yes and no,

Good and evil,

Have and have not,

Compassion and cruelty,

Knowledge and ignorance,

Order and confusion,

Sage and fool,

Before duality in any form,

You are.




Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires.

Good and evil are the stillborn of duality.



The Return to Wonder




Values, ethics, morality, good and evil,

Are all fabrications born of limited thinking.

Bondage without anchor in the indivisible reality.


* * * *

You need not each and every moment,

Hold on to all the psychological and physical pains,

Manifested in your brief mortal fling in this garden of good and evil.

Discern the key to immortality – Physician, heal thy Self.




Do good and evil exist anywhere but in imagination?




Good and evil are human concoctions.

If you believe they existed before we unleashed upon the world,

You are caught in the mire of delusion.




The dualistic war between good and evil, is one waged entirely in human imagination.

Their reality is as untenable as anything ever concocted within the dream of space-time.


* * * *

Good and evil, like all dualistic notions, are born of imagination’s delusional sojourn.




Good and evil are an illusion whose hypnotic anchor is vivid imagination.




All are equal in the ultimate sense,

But in humankind’s savage garden of good and evil,

Some are far more equal than others.


* * * *

The fiercest battles of good and evil are imagined by all parties concerned.




Those who wander prior to all the dualistic notions of good and evil,

Can wade through both righteousness and sin unscathed, untouched.




Three recurring algorithms that hold up in the human drama:

Most seem want the bread of life more than the bread of mystery.

They will submit to many forms of enslavement rather than being free.

And they will choose the absurdity of good and evil over the reality of chaos.




Where are good and evil located in an atomic particle?




All children are innocent of any wrongdoing, because good and evil do not exist in the untarnished state.




Good and evil exist only in imagination; once seen for its transient nature, their notion dissolves.




The garden is a spaceless, timeless reverie; it is imagination that harvests the fruit of good and evil.




Good and evil: Just different vanities, forever battling passionately on an imaginary spectrum.




In the garden of good and evil, the relativity can make for a confounding walkabout.




There is no good, there is no evil, in the ultimate reality.

Just ever-changing, imaginary collusions, between egocentric mindsets.

One man’s good is another’s evil, and every variety of visa-versa under any given sun.




It is all about patterns playing out in the freedom of the eternal unborn-undying moment.

Patterns we embrace are regular, normal, comfortable, relaxing, certain, consistent.­­

Those we do not like are irregular, abnormal, uncomfortable, edgy, unsure.

Thus, good and evil are created in the garden that knows neither.




Good and evil exist in only in imagination.




Are not deities and demons, good and evil, right and wrong, this and that, ever one in the same?

Where are the lines between any dualities, but the make-believe ones,

Endlessly fabricated by arbitrary minds.




Good and evil are imagined dualistic notions; there is only indivisibility coated by ignorance.




All notions of good and evil, will always be merely notions.




What a blessing to be free of both good and evil.




Good and evil are dualistic perceptions, born of humanity’s irrational self-absorption.

We mortals, not some imagined deity, are the creators of heaven and all things perdition.




If this is a battleground between good and evil, then it is fairly obvious which side is winning.

So, the question is, whether it is some huge chess game between God and the Devil,

Or simply the mundane reality of vanity and greed churning their way,

To a most predictable and tragic dystopian conclusion.




The good and evil you view on any screen,

Would not be, without the projector,

Which is the imaginary you.




The human paradigm, the human drama,

Is at times so exhilarating, is at times so exhausting.

No wonder so many imagine good and evil, God and Devil, real.




A new paradigm must arise, must evolve,

If humankind wishes to sustain its narcissistic-hedonistic adventure,

In this imaginary garden of good and evil.




Good and evil are vain notions, born of self-absorbed consciousness, and its endless plays of duality.


* * * *

The difference between good and evil,

Right and wrong, or any other dualistic notion,

Most often depends on what side of the field is wandered.




Good and evil are imaginary concepts born of consciousness.

Deities and demons are expedient means for ignorance,

To evade the ultimate reality that it is really all You.

Truth requires a relativity, relatively few harbor.




In the relativity of the garden,

Who can with any real authority say,

Where the lines of good and evil are drawn?

Even if there were a God, it would be just as arbitrary.




Good and evil are self-absorbed concoctions of imagination.

There is really no angel, no demon, outside any given mind.




What proof is there that right and wrong, good and evil, are anything more,

Than vain, superstitious, absurd concoctions, born of human imagination?




All qualities of mind are relative beyond measure.

The mystery dwells within the essence of every quantum.

Good and evil may play out in the consciousness of humankind,

But at the source of all things, they are of no consequence, whatsoever.




The difference between black and white,

Good and evil, right or left, up or down, this or that,

Is, without doubt, unfailingly, irrevocably, absolutely, arbitrary.




Where is that line between good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark, anyway?



The Ponderings of Yaj Ekim




Nature is what works,

And what does not, evaporates into oblivion.

Good and evil are nothing more than constructs of human consciousness.

There was never any such thing in this whirling garden orb,

Prior to the emergence of dualistic notion.




Good and evil are dualistic, arbitrary notions, created by imagination.

They are nothing more than echoes across the expanses of the singularity.




Good and evil, right and wrong,

Are but the fabrications of imagination gone amok,

And in no way exists in anything but the delusions born of the human mind.




It is only consciousness,

That manufactures good and evil,

Right and wrong, compassion and brutality,

In an otherwise indifferent universe.




And what if that which so many call God is really equally good and evil?

It is really only the notion born of dualistic limitation that needs changing.




The only difference between good and evil, is in any given beholder’s eye.




Awareness, oblivious to the play of good and evil,

Allows every dream of consciousness,

To have its day in the sun.




Wandering the Garden of Good and Evil, where there is in truth, neither.




Before good and evil,

Before all its causes and effects,

There is only the vast unknown stillness.

Within it, is the truth, the freedom,

That the intangible You is.




Where is the exact demarcation between this so-called good and evil?

A line or two in the sand of an ever-shifting consciousness, indeed.




What are good and evil but different aspects of the same monkey-mind.

Where else in the universe could such absurd notions possibly exist?



Breadcrumbs 2015




Unconditional acceptance of this grand dreamtime as it is,

With all its light and dark, its good and evil,

Is about as loving as it gets.


* * * *

What is the difference between pleasure and pain,

Between right and wrong, between good and evil, between love and hate,

But a variety of electromagnetic spectrum responses,

Some agreeable, some not.


* * * *

Good and evil are the concoctions of consciousness,

Of imagination, of the mind born of time.

The garden itself is blameless.


* * * *

Look deadly, be deadly; look deadly, be harmless;

Look harmless, be deadly; look harmless, be harmless.

Survival is as survival does in this indivisible quantum Eden,

This garden of good and evil born of imagination’s egocentric notion.


* * * *

The sins of the universe are erased when the original nature is realized.

The notion of good and evil is nothing more than human vanity,

Playing out patterning bred in the jungles of long ago.


* * * *

Once upon a timeless, in some long ago, an ancestor sat on a branch alone,

When another ancestor nearby, uttered a sound that s/he thought s/he understood.

Thus fell the metaphorical fruit of knowledge, of good and evil,

And the solitude of the garden dreamscape,

Was, for a brief spate of the mind born of time, undone.


* * * *

Do right and wrong, good and evil, life and death,

Really matter for more than a brief mortal while?




Good and evil exist only in imagination; the ultimate is quite free of either.


* * * *

Good and evil will always require great insight to discern the lack of difference between them.


* * * *

What more can be said of good and evil, but that they exist only in imagination.



Breadcrumbs 2018




What are so-called good and evil,

But relative states of self-absorption, imaginary all the while.

Different states of consciousness, founded on different values, different frames of reference.

None of which, are in any way lasting or meaningful, in the eye of awareness.


* * * *

Good and evil are but human inventions,

That could never exist in the ultimate indivisible quantum reality.

Theatrical pretenses of consciousness, at best.


* * * *

The quantum source abides all.

It is indifferent to any and all and every difference.

Black and white, good and evil, yes and no, dualities of any make or model,

Are but the ephemeral whimsies of temporal imagination.



Breadcrumbs 2019




The motley winds of consciousness with all its attributes, all its dualities:

Black and white hot and cold, full and empty, good and evil, life and death,

Has absolutely nothing to do with the still awareness through which it blows.



Breadcrumbs 2021




Good and evil, like and dislike, love and hate, great and small, black and white.

All conceptions of manifest consciousness, of imagination.

Awareness ever aloof, untouched.




Problem-solvers … Toolmakers … Playmakers … the axis of good and evil, indeed.



Breadcrumbs 2022


Imagination is the Original Sin.

Until it usurped awareness, good and evil did not exist,

And their reality is a still an unproven doctrine, one left to philosophers who pontificate on ethics,

And the rest, to those who ceaselessly spin their self-absorbed realities,

Into every imaginable form of self-righteousness.


* * * *

The Garden of Life and Death.

The Garden of Good and Evil.

The Garden of Desire and Fear.

The Garden of Sweet and Bitter.

The Garden of Black and White.

The Garden of Sound and Silence.

The Garden of Kind and Callous.

The Garden of Full and Empty.

The Garden of Hot and Cold.

The Garden of Ones and Zeros.

The Garden of Dualistic Notion.


* * * *

Only human beings imagine good and evil to be real.

Is there any other earthing who conceives such absurdity?




How can good and evil exist anywhere but imagination?



Breadcrumbs 2023 and Beyond


What need has the sage for the forbidden fruit?

What allure doe the tree of knowledge of good and evil offer,

The mind that is no longer drawn to the illusion-delusion of dualistic notion.


* * * *

No word, no symbol, no ritual, no tradition, no prophet, no deity, is sacred to the ultimate.

Self-interest breeds a logic screened through too many filters to be at all predictable.

Avoid moral dilemmas and quagmires; good and evil are the stillborn of duality.